bring it on!

Busy week indeed,
school started, and wow,im amazed.

first of all, school is packed,
MU is the biggest uni (in WA) in terms of space area,
but still, everyone's everywhere

My first class was monday 9.30,
and I drove to class! yea, i got my aussie licence.
My kind cousin gave me the keys..
school's just a str road down, yup, so its easy. ha.

And at 9.00am, library's already packed,
people of different color (hair, skin, everything).
People on skateboards, (yes, they skate in school, cool.)
People on bikes,
People smoking in open, (yup, u an smoke anywhere here, as long as its not in a room)
People sitting on the grass (everywhere, reading, eating, smoking, talking)

And I told myself: "This is it, i'm gonna make full use of every min here."
The sky, the breeze, the sun, the chill, the grass
I love it all.

Lecture was good, lecturer's very good too.
But the best part was the tutorial.

Im the only asian in the class.
And obviously, i stood out from the rest.
Apparently, the tutor knows everyone in the class, cos its 3rd year class already.
So he named me as "the new kid"

He talked about assignments and its hell of work.
so, one blondie raised her hands and said,
"You made it sound like u r taking over our social life. I dont agree with it."

wow. brave. they give opinons bravely, and believe in their rights.

The discussions in class were intense,
and those blondies who looked like cheerleaders,
hmmm.. not bimbotic at all!!
very smart, talk sense, and very brave. ha.

I love such sessions, where we can discuss productively,
learnt alot from them, shared different experience.
But I have lots to learn, gotta speak up more..
Im glad that Clarissa has good sart since young in school.
These are the people who will create impact, who will impress,
and most importantly, they are the ones who will be able
to speak up for what they believe in.

I truly felt that people from SG, have to really buck up on this.
We have to buck up our social skills, and general knowledge.

Take care everyone, be positive, be humble, be grateful.

"Everyday is a learning day, and here I am like a sponge, absorbing everything I can, looking at everything through an unbiased pair of eyes"