he makes me smile.

Yes, he does.
All the time in fact.

He is SUPER adorable.

Spring in Secret Garden

Lots more to come..
its amazing

Wednesday blues, anyone?

I am not a morning person.
Im not as grumpy as my dear friend J in the morning,
but i still do have my own morning blues mood.

I dont like being annoyed by anything to wake up.
Alarms clocks piss me off.
And oh,
Vacuum cleaners,
children yelling and running,
and banging doors,
are not welcomed too.

Have been working hard all these nights for research paper,
slept at 2+,
and I know I will definitely have to wake up by 8am
cos thats my aus wakeup time.

But. this morning was a special moment.

Kids running, screaming, banging doors,
for about 20 mins,
cant help but to look at the clock,
its only 7am.

Rawr. one "pissed-off" button pressed.
Thank you.

Spent 40 mins on my bed,
trying to shake that pissed off button off my head,
and finally "they are kids.. its ok..." off the buttons.

Argh. whatever.

Dragged myself into the showers.
In less than 15 mins,
4 "firemen" kicked open the bathroom door,
and ran in,
"hahahhaha, caught u."

I would have screamed very very loudly at them.
would have.
But im so pissed, that i didnt even bothered.

They ran out and even forget to shut the bloody door after them.
RAWR. Thank you so much for the visit.

I have to close the door myself.

I stuffed my face with the towel.
And screamed into it.

Kill me pls.

The thing I dont bloody understand is,
the lock's broken for so long,
y wouldnt anyone fix it?

Its not the first time,
that they rushed into the bathroom.

J and W rushed into the bathrooom before
when I was in as well.
seriously, arghh.. im speechless.

I think its just a pressure cooker effect
Now that im calm
I have to admit that this morning's incident isnt that HUGE
but its just all the incidents
(from waking up in middle of the nights,to having him to pick me up at night, awaken by noise pollution...)
plus all the negative thoughts of
"If im at home, it would be SO MUCH better"

and of course,
the lack of bitching ard.

My mates here also think that im super evil
when I bitch.
Its my form of therapy mannn..
I dont mean to harm anyone.

Anyways its just a bad morning.

One of those days.

its a happy monday

Im really hoping that i can do a regular update on happenings here.
well, not just hope, kinda like a must-do / want to for me.

eee-hahhh... today is a happy monday..

went to Big W, to buy stuff to make bday card for my german friend, johannes
yes, im in the creative/artistic mood.. =)but i cant find the glue to stick it all together. rawr!

looks pretty decent eh?

Went for viet food (run by singaporeans), but its gd.. normal pricing too..
My friend ordered this viet coffee.. my first time seeing this apparatus.
The coffee seeps from the metal apparatus.. very aromatic.
Very strong coffee.. reckon that its good for burning midnight oil. ha

Anyways but the weirdest thing was, the shop stole plates from Delifrance in sg:

Dinner was great with my 2 other sg friends,
talking abt silly sg stuff.
apparently, my friend who hasnt went back for 2 years +,
wanna know if "City Beat" is still airing.

The sentence of the day from my research prof:
If you wanna put ur own opinon in ur data research essay,
Go do journalism instead.
This course is not for you.
If we need ur opinon,
then whats the data for?

I wanna remember this. LOL.
I enjoy being challenged by sacarcism. LOL.
Life's a bitch.

this moment is powerful.

So much emotions flowed thr my mind today.
I ought to record this down.
I have to remember this powerful moment.

Few days ago, because of a silly chick flick i watched,
I immersed myself into the fairytale mood.
Asking myself if I would ever be in one.

Just as I was still in that silly thought of mine,
my friend told me about her breakup,
and how shitty she feels.
crying, not eating, feel like dying and all...
I thought,
Is the assumed fairytale that worthwhile after all?

An hour later,
I went with lunch,
and was told that this guy from sg,
jumped into oncoming train and ended his life.
A honours psychology student,
great in sports,
a wonderful son i suppose..

Why take life so lightly,
or maybe i didnt understand what happened,
or rather, yea, I dont even know him

but I wished I could tell him,
I could be a friend for him.
I could be his listening ear.


Then I went on facebook,
and saw my friend's wedding pictures.
I looked and thought,

I wished I'm like her too.
Having a partner for life.
I paused.
*wake up*

I'm afraid of daydreaming and falling into my own stupid traps.

I seen so much going on in W's life.
I dun wanna walk that path..
But I shall not worry.
Lfe's now semed to be so much more motivating.

I trust in God,
I live by faith and not sight.
Cos I know He will provide.

I serve Him, and
I chase after my dreams,
with no fear,
knowing He will be here.

Very fueled. Very powerful.

What are your passions?
What are your deepest yearnings?
If you could do absolutely anything in the world,
what is it that you would do?

Your heart knows the answers
to these questions.
It is whispering to you right now
this very moment
So listen to it and follow it.

It will always be your best guide in life.
Never fall into ur self-made traps.

I heard that voice in me loud and clear.
Im running towards it.

random post (yet again)

these are some random pics which I have been too lazy to upload.

The below is hailstorm pic which i took. aka raining iceballs from the sky,
if Missy J iss here. she will definitely be WOWed.
The kids all yelled "ICE AGE 3!!"
And Wendy says " must show Missy J the pics"

And oh, its joshua's birthday yesterday. Hes so happy.

and back to our all time fav: Mr Jacob Lee
oh, and i love dressing him up

He is just SO adorable.

wow, its end of august

Im sitting in the middle of bush court,
on the grass,
enjoying the smell of murdoch,
enjoying the awesome weather,
feeling blessed.
feeling VERY grateful.

someone fast-tuned the clock. definitely.
good times passed so quick,
im at crossroad again.

6 mths gonna end so quick.
its just

- 6 periods to deal with (ha. yucks i know, but hey, its cindy and her weird philosophy.)

- 6 mobile recharges to do.

- 6 whatevers.

But yet, so many great things happened.
I realised I know myself better than before..
I finally have the courage to do what I really wanna do

But there're so many decisions awaiting for me:
- post grad? --> car?
- here or there?
I ask: isnt this my dream? why am i holding back?

Im glad this all happened.
I think God has His plans for me.
Everything falls into place,
making me realise that its better to make decisions now,
then to suffer or make people suffer.

This post is so much of a mess,
thoughts here and there,
that reflects the current state of my mind.

im sorting things out with myself.
soon. very soon.

one step at a time.

friends are the family we choose for ourselves.

Written by Regina Brett, 90 years old, of The Plain Dealer in Cleveland,

"To celebrate growing older, I once wrote the 45 lessons life taught me. It
is the most-requested column I've ever written. My odometer rolled over to
90 in August, so here is the column once more:

1. Life isn't fair, but it's still good.

2. When in doubt, just take the next small step.

3. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone...

4. Your job won't take care of you when you are sick. Your friends and
parents will.
Stay in touch.

5. Pay off your credit cards every month.

6. You don't have to win every argument. Agree to disagree.

7. Cry with someone. It's more healing than crying alone.

9. Save for retirement starting with your first pay cheque.

10. When it comes to chocolate, resistance is futile.

11. Make peace with your past so it won't screw up the present.

12. Its OK to let your children see you cry..

13. Don't compare your life to others. You have no idea what their
journey is all

14. If a relationship has to be a secret, you shouldn't be in it.

15. Everything can change in the blink of an eye. But don't worry; God
never blinks.

16. Take a deep breath. It calms the mind.

17. Get rid of anything that isn't useful, beautiful or joyful.

18. Whatever doesn't kill you really does make you stronger.

19. It's never too late to have a happy childhood. But the second one is
up to you
and no one else.

20. When it comes to going after what you love in life, don't take no for
an answer.

22. Over prepare, then go with the flow.

23. Be eccentric now. Don't wait for old age to wear purple.

24. The most important sex organ is the brain.

25. No one is in charge of your happiness but you.

26. Frame every so-called disaster with these words 'In five years, will
this matter?'

27. Always choose life.

28. Forgive everyone everything.

29. What other people think of you is none of your business.

30. Time heals almost everything. Give time.

31. However good or bad a situation is, it will change.

32. Don't take yourself so seriously. No one else does.

33. Believe in miracles.

34. God loves you because of who God is, not because of anything you did
or didn't

35. Don't audit life. Show up and make the most of it now.

36. Growing old beats the alternative -- dying young.

37. Your children get only one childhood.

38. All that truly matters in the end is that you loved.

39. Get outside every day. Miracles are waiting everywhere.

40. If we all threw our problems in a pile and saw everyone else's, we'd
grab ours

41. Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need.

42. The best is yet to come.

43. No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up.

44. Yield.

45. Life isn't tied with a bow, but it's still a gift."

Remember, friends are the family we choose for ourselves.

bring it on!

Busy week indeed,
school started, and wow,im amazed.

first of all, school is packed,
MU is the biggest uni (in WA) in terms of space area,
but still, everyone's everywhere

My first class was monday 9.30,
and I drove to class! yea, i got my aussie licence.
My kind cousin gave me the keys..
school's just a str road down, yup, so its easy. ha.

And at 9.00am, library's already packed,
people of different color (hair, skin, everything).
People on skateboards, (yes, they skate in school, cool.)
People on bikes,
People smoking in open, (yup, u an smoke anywhere here, as long as its not in a room)
People sitting on the grass (everywhere, reading, eating, smoking, talking)

And I told myself: "This is it, i'm gonna make full use of every min here."
The sky, the breeze, the sun, the chill, the grass
I love it all.

Lecture was good, lecturer's very good too.
But the best part was the tutorial.

Im the only asian in the class.
And obviously, i stood out from the rest.
Apparently, the tutor knows everyone in the class, cos its 3rd year class already.
So he named me as "the new kid"

He talked about assignments and its hell of work.
so, one blondie raised her hands and said,
"You made it sound like u r taking over our social life. I dont agree with it."

wow. brave. they give opinons bravely, and believe in their rights.

The discussions in class were intense,
and those blondies who looked like cheerleaders,
hmmm.. not bimbotic at all!!
very smart, talk sense, and very brave. ha.

I love such sessions, where we can discuss productively,
learnt alot from them, shared different experience.
But I have lots to learn, gotta speak up more..
Im glad that Clarissa has good sart since young in school.
These are the people who will create impact, who will impress,
and most importantly, they are the ones who will be able
to speak up for what they believe in.

I truly felt that people from SG, have to really buck up on this.
We have to buck up our social skills, and general knowledge.

Take care everyone, be positive, be humble, be grateful.

"Everyday is a learning day, and here I am like a sponge, absorbing everything I can, looking at everything through an unbiased pair of eyes"

end of july update

wow, its end of july already! =(
time just zoomed away...

lots of improvements in life,

1. Jacob knows how to call aunty cindy.
awwww... this really proves the fact that I have really spent a lot of time with him, and changed countless diapers for him. LOL.

2. attended church, and cellgroups.
yup! good bunch of people from cellgrp, service is gd too..

3. met heaps of people, made heaps of friends. (from africa to usa, to germany, and of course malaysians, they r just every where- cant run from them eh.. and fellow singaporeans too.)

4. walked ard the estate, doing jogs soon, lol. SOON.

5. bumming ard in school, and friend's flats, student life, how I lurve it.

6. less smsing, less internet = more sleep, more reading, more healthier lifestyle

haven been to city for a week, tml's friday, gotta hang out in the city, and do some window shopping.. hahahha...

haven been taking pics for quite a while, cos i cant find my camera. =s
will be taking pics soon!

take care people. miss u people lots. =)

Quote of the week from Caleb:
"Aunty Cindy should work at Big W, cos she likes to read the Big W book alot."

oh, he found out my love for catalogue magazines. =)


Ha.. im at the Riverton Library, internet is free here for 1hr
while clarissa is attending her art class at the nearby art centre.
I think its easy money for the school. LOL.
She made that easy-looking wind mobile, and the class is 15 bucks.

Her class started at 9.45, 2 hour class,
and I have to buy her lunch, cos Joe has no time to make her lunchbox.
Well, its FAST FOOD era. =p

Well.. I had mine too.. its cheap. and free refills.

I'm kinda used to the lifestyle here already.
Lifestyle includes:
1. Listening to THE COUPLE's complains about everything
2. Listening to Kids' complains about EVERY SINGLE THING. (esp Caleb.)
3. The evil cold weather
4. The mad rush to catch buses/time on time
5. The heartless short daytime
6. The starting of friendless stage in life.
7. The love for reading (library here is free and u can borrow up to 10 books for 3 weeks!! not a problem for me at all)
8. Appreciating free internet or ANY source of internet.
10. and lots more. everyday is a new learning day.

Caleb and clarissa feel ill for 2 days,
And yes, the house was so peaceful. =p

yup, thats sicky Clarissa with her sticky pad on.
Caleb yelled so loudly when the cold sticky pad was placed on him,
and scared little Jacob,
I think neighbours must have thought that theres child abuse going on.
But well, good peaceful times at home are rare.
compare to this pic of Clarissa below:

yup. early in the morning, Im again awaken by the non-stop yaking and the non-stop yelling of the kids.
I guess I'll never be late for school with such powerful alarm clocks.

Recap of past happenings.

1. Train ride - Ferris wheel ride- Boat ride- Bus ride

Yes, with the kids. (4 kids on public transport is MADNESS)
They are like fresh release from jail, seeing the city for the first time.
Gosh. scary but yea, fun.
I have to declare Caleb as a loud monster with tiny heart.
He looks as if hes the bravest but hes not.
Hes so scared on the ferris wheel,
keep yelling: "The ferris wheel is TOO BIG for me!!"
Cant even concentrate on taking pics. Keep yelling. (try to spot him, in the pic)

But Little Ja-Ja is enjoying every moment. Hahaha.. as usual.

The "china mountain tortise" family out for train ride! hahahaha...

Alrighty, i have 15 mins left to update other stuff..

Take care all of u.
Miss u people lots.


short recap of everything

A good 30mins read on the train,
I packed my lunchbox and milk and water bottle and headed out,
its Friday, the clock ticks so fast.
Its 1256noon here, and it is really MID DAY.
I mean mid day mid day for perth. seriously.
In SG, mid day means like hmm 5pm?
5pm here means end of the day mannn...

I prayed for good wifi while i was on the way to the library,
and indeed State library is blessed with super fast wifi,
hmm.. not that I dont have internet at home, just that hmm..
I fee guilty when i use it, dont like that.

The rain here is indecisive,
1 min it rains, I went into Myer,
it stopped.
I alight from the Cat bus, it poured.
while I was admiring the scenery outside lib,
It poured horrendously,
when I stepped into the lib,
it stopped.
like helllooooo? its so not funny.

Standing at the CAT bus stop,
next to a girl whos like 18 and dressed up like shes 25?
and here I am at 25,
looking like an 18 year old. gosh.

Had lots of fun when jess was here,
now that shes gone home,
my identity as a tourist ended.
No more pinnacles,
its me and my normal life.
And I declare Carousel my new Jurong Point.

I cant wait for school to start,
to immerse myself in projects,
feeling the adrenaline,
being a student for the last time.

The kids are hell of a din. Not that I dont like it,
but imagine 24 hrs of screaming into ur ears multiply by 4,
thats hard to like it, isnt it.
But well, the flip side of the coin is
the smiles, the hugs, the love, the nonsense talking,
the ENDless whys and why nots.ENDLESS!

Everytime i pull my china bag out,
Caleb will run and say
"Are u going back home? Can u dont go home?"
Clarissa will shout
"No! shes not going home, cos this is her home!"
Aww..melts my heart.

I called Grampa, i missed him. I emailed Dad, suddenly I missed home.
and I feel like tearing now.

Thank God for such lovely people, thank God for this opportunity.
Im truly grateful for everything. esp the cool weather. =p

Heavy Night

Mixed feelings churned up a storm inside me.
Flashbacks of people leaving...
I hate to see people leave.

My Grandma left and it still cuts me like broken glass.
I once stood at a busstop, shedding tears,
and waving goodbye to a him who never came back into my life.
I cried at poly graduation party,
and said, It'll never be the same again.

Indeed, everything changed.
I thought I found someone, but it turned out he wasnt the one.
I thought another someone was not the one,
but it turned out, I think he's the one.
I thought I would not be crying at this moment,
cos I thought I cant wait to spread my wings,
but I was wrong, hmm.. where're my wings?
I thought I'm little Miss Sunshine,
but who stole the sun away,
and let Ms Emo sneaked in?

I starting to miss my mum, grandpa, evo and this room badly.
My mum's my bestie, and I'm her's. I wonder how she'll cope.
And oh, I miss him. I know he will miss me, more than anyone else.

Luckily, I have Missy J with me on the plane.
Its her good starting point. And its mine too.
We mark our impt day together.
Im glad.

happy tears, sad tears
it all made me stronger.
hmmm.. soon i hope.

Wheres that happy ending?

Remember those "once upon a time", and those "And they live happily ever after" and little girls will go awwwwww. These are their heroes, and yes, they were mine when I was little too. I know Clarissa will be unhappy if she see these pics. Ha.

Oh yes, havent you heard, Princess Jasmine is helping out in the war too.

Prince Charming isnt that charming after all. Wheres the money back guarantee?

Who says Princess wont fall ill?

Lost in the jungle? No worries, mcdelivery will get to u too.

"Happy hour" And Cinderella needs a cold ice beer too.

Well, they still live happily ever after... sort of.

Something to ponder


It’s weird that this has to start with a summary, a wrap up to everything here (for now). I have been blessed. Extremely blessed indeed. I have people who loves me, people who knows what’s best for me, and people who are there no matter what. I thank God for everything. And I’m truly grateful.

I have to apologise to all whom I’ve went in and out of their lives.(for umpteen times) I’m trying hard not to do that, but sometimes I really just need some time alone to settle my thoughts, and to struggle with arguments about why this world is so screwed up. But some still stood by me – Anne, Jessie. And these are the people who live their lives to the fullest by being unselfish, by loving and caring for others, most important they love themselves.

There’re phases of my life that changed me. Ngee Ann – brought the brave side of me which I’ve never imagined, and life after that blooms into an exciting journey. I’m stronger than ever, fueled with strength that I know is gonna bring me far. Thanks to Max, Alex-es. =)

Mom is still the best. Her “Go ahead. I trust you” – added wings to everything I do. She gave me everything I need to be who I am today. I always thought I’m living her dreams, but nah, I realized she knew what I wanted all along. And oh not forgetting Dad’s “Do what you think its right, you’ll know its wrong when u fall, then you’ll learn.”

Top 5 things I’ll miss: (List is too long to post, so only top 5 is chosen)
1. Family & friends
2. Internet, free wifi, sms
3. bubble tea? Hahaha
4. my house
5. MRT?

Top 5 things I'm yearning for:
1. Wendy and the kids
2. School
3. Fish&Chips / Target / Harbourtown
4. Grass
5. Work

This entry shall end with the anticipation for the start of a new phase of life, bursting with excitement, creeping in fear of the unknown, and lots of “I’ll be missing u lots”. And of course, it will end with the promise of lots of pics, updates and tweets in the near future.

Lets all embrace the courage to step out of comfort zone. Be brave my friends even if it fails, because you only live once. No one said it’s easy, but I’m willing to try. =) I’ll look back and say “At least I gave it a shot.”

Remember “It’s never too late to be who you might have been” =)

Miss u all lots.